Saturday, September 20, 2008

Parker Oktoberfest 9/20

Good People--Phyl, Norm, Bruce, Heiti, Eric and Jan.
Good Food--Great pretzels, steak on the stick from Trail Dust Steakhouse and beer. German tradition has it that everyone share the first beer from the first tap, so I joined in (a traditional kind of guy). Erdinger, Oktoberfest Hefeweizen and a plain Hefeweizen--Jan even liked it-- VERY MUCH!
Good Exercise--I rode my bike to our church's men's event this morning to hear Karl Mecklenberg a Bronco from the 70's. Ok speaker, good breakfast and a tough, long, uphill, cool ride to church at 7ish. Not much exercise at the fest except walking to the keg truck. We didn't even dance, but Heiti and I swayed to a couple of songs while she along in German and I mumbled (as usual).
Great Retirement--Beautiful weather and it is always a treat to be with friends.


KJ said...

Who's Bruce?

I like the huge beer pic!


Curtis Jones said...

Bruce is Norm's buddy. Thanks for spelling.

Unknown said...

The beauty here is in the same post you are drinking the monster beer and riding your bike to church? I hope you did not drink that beer and ride your bike to your church men's group. I would pay money to see that!

Curtis Jones said...

You always have to do church first! All I got out of the monster beer was a couple of gulps, but lifted a few more to thank the Germans for Oktoberfest. Good to hear from ya!