Good People--new biking buddy-Ray. We have been working hard at the rec center's cycling class.
Good Food--none this trip, we had our eyes out for coffee, food places along the way.
Good Exercise--we rode for almost 2 hours, 18+ miles. We left from the Trails Rec Center to Cherry Creek Reservoir trail toward the dam and then around the lake. Mostly level except for some climbing by the dam. All paved or concrete some kinda rough and a little sand by the beach. Restroom by the beach is still closed.
Good Retirement--Well, I had my first spill, we had just started, I was turning on my heart monitor with my right hand, hit the brake with my left hand so I was somewhat out of balance. The braking sent me over the handle bars and on to my right shoulder since I had my right hand on my left wrist. They say wrecks happen close to home. My new gloves saved my hands from skid rash and my helmet visor saved my glasses.