Saturday, October 31, 2009


The end of the cleared sidewalk-the end of the cycling season. In sports they hang up their cleats in cycling I hang up my bike and the bike carrier. But, who knows the weather is supposed to be 63 tomorrow and at that temp for the next week.

I made my 1000 mile goal for the season--1108 miles since February. Thank goodness for the long season, I would have not made it if it was shorter. I passed my goal on a ride from Longmont to Loveland via Carter Lake--the best ride route there is! And yes, this is where I have been humbled by several riders as they pass me like I am standing still.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My new toy!

Bring it on! The snow is forecasted to be 12-14 inches. I have always thought that only wimps bought a snowblower! Well that's me--as my back gets weaker and my mind is slower. I'll post more as we get to play in the snow.