Monday, October 13, 2008

Great American Beer Fest 10/11

Good People--Norm, his son Doug and our host Rock Bottom Brewery. Thanks to Doug for giving Norm and I a "brewers" pass for beer, food and some other special treatment. Also, my new "Good People" Herm and Roda. Most of the people we talked to were from out of town.
Good Food--we did have some great chocolate brownies but the beer tasting was the most fun. Doug gave us some advice on what to taste, Kevin offered his expertise and we talked to numerous people who had developed a list of brewers and their best beers. My favorite was Sweetwater Brewery from Atlanta-Hummer-the best hefeweizen. Also, Local 1 from Old Brooklyn in Baltimore. Our local favorite is still Ole Ale from Dry Dock. Old Holland from Wisconsin had a Dragons Milk that was our favorite stout.
Good Exercise--we did some walking and lots of arm raises tipping the glass.
Great Retirement--we talked to lots of very nice young people--I think they thought we were a couple of OLD brewers. They seemed to want our tasting opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about going again this year but didn't realize it was already here. Amanda and I would have been happy to join you. Maybe next year.