Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Good beer, not so good golf course.

The best part of the day was this new beer from Coors. They set aside a small micro brew within Coors to make micro brews ie Blue Moon (which had to move to the main brewery due to popularity, Herman Joseph and Winterfest.

I would compare Colorado Native to Sam Adam's lager. The Native is more flavorful, stronger taste but not as strong as Fat Tire. All Colorado ingredients. To all my out of state beer drinking friends and my son--I'm sorry, it is only available in Colorado. Kevin, I'll bring some in July. Good Beer!!

We played Heather Ridge Country Club golf course yesterday. I didn't know it was there, west of I-225 on Iliff. It is tucked in with lots of condos, townhomes. The course was in pretty good shape, not any room for a stray shots and it was only $20 bucks for 18 holes and electric cart. So what's the comment about "not so good?"

You would think that being a semi private club they would understand customer satisfaction. Or maybe because they are semi private that don't care. The front desk choose to argue with us about a reservation rather than being glad we were there to pay and play. There was no one around, they had just finished a celebrity Red Cross benefit tournament. Finally after arguing with us and them among themselves, a young golf pro told us off to the side that he will work it out and someone came in off the course and offered to let us hit some range balls while we waited, BUT, the front desk vetoed that--saying it was going to be busy at 3:00, it was 1:30--I can't hit that many range balls. At last customer service prevailed--they let us off the back. Would I go back? $20 for golf is a really good deal!

Monday, May 17, 2010

A couple of questions and requests.

First day out for the old bike!!
1. Where did my cycling legs go?
2. Why does the top of my knee hurt?
3. Is it possible to sweep or vacuum the small rocks in the bike lanes?
4. Did the hills get steeper because of the earthquakes, volcano eruptions or floods?
5. Did the ride affect my golf? Must have! Heather Ridge--course too tight for this BAD golfer.

It felt good to get out--Sadie enjoyed her run with the bike, too.

A Perfect Landning.

A GOOD time at happy hour at the Perfect Landing. Fair prices on happy hour drinks but we were disappointed on the 1/2 price appetizers. Small!! Mostly fish--good for ya, but not at happy hour. We were sooooooooo happy that Kortney joined the old folks. Steve and I talked to a couple of people that we know--Good time with the Rays, as always.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Too short of arms, underarm wash.

I wasn't gonna share this pic! But, it was supposed to be a picture of Sadie and me after our run, she is wet and so am I. However, my arm was too short to get both of us. So it is a REAL close up of me. I hope it doesn't scare small children.
Some of you may have wondered--"What is a underarm dog wash!" Well, here is a picture. When she runs in water/snow she gets very wet on her underside, therefore, an underarm dog wash.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

From Goldfinch to SNOW!!!

This snow was wet and heavy. And it had frozen to the pine needles and the blossoms on the tree.
Typical spring snow, 2-4 inches in the grass but just wet on the pavement. I think it will be a good day for a run with Sadie, no one on the golf course and she will get wet enough to count it as a under the arm bath. More rain this afternoon and snow forecasted tonight.
I took this yesterday morning. While I was having breakfast this goldfinch stopped to by to show off his beautiful colors. He was not shy, when I moved around he stayed put--I didn't see a female though. Last year I saw the first one 4/8.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Gettin" old--I need a donut!

I have said to myself "Don't get old like dad!" Well, I am getting there. The ways of 20, 30 and some 40 somethings these days are really buggin' me.

I was on time at OUR Starbucks to meet my Saturday morning guy that is struggling with marriage, work, beliefs etc. He was late as usual--most of the time he calls. This morning he didn't so I left at 15 after. Well, he called had the usual excuses. Buggin' me #1, the attitude that "It is all about me, thanks for taking your time to meet with me--but, I don't respect your time to be on time attitude!"

Anyway, I went back, the Starbucks was full so we went to Target's Starbucks. It depressed me to watch all the 20, 30 and 40 somethings coming in with their children. At least 90% of them were FAT and so were the kids. Buggin' me #2, parents feeding themselves and their poor innocent children junk food, most kids were drinking some sort of large pop, popcorn (not too bad, but at 9:30 am), candy, donuts etc. A child about 1 or so was chewing gu. his brother had a sucker. Every adult ordered a bazillion calorie drink and pastry. This could be buggin' me #3--all were wearing frumpy sweats, most looked like pajamas-- a couple of kids WERE wearing pajamas. Guess how they will dress when they grow up and go to the store.

AND buggin' me #4, not one parent was talking/interacting with their children!!!! Too busy on their cell phone or texting. Which leads to #5, talking or texting while the clerk is ready to take their order. Of course, most of the others in line don't care because they are too busy to notice the delay.

A friend of mine was fired from Starbucks, recently--he was feed up with waiting for people to get off their cells to order. So as the next one that walked up with a cell in their ear--he picked up his and pretended to be on his, when the person hung up, he motioned--just a minute he is on the phone. We thought it was appropriate and very funny the Starbucks manager--did not!

Well, I got that off my chest--I am getting old and after seeing all those FAT people I don't need a donut.

Don't get me started on buggin' me #6--the illegals in OUR country!!