Monday, June 14, 2010

Riding down Glenwood Canyon May 2010

This picture of the Colorado River does not do justice to the volume and power. I may attach a video of the river in another posting. I reminded me of a soupy chocolate milk shake. I was thinking about the milk shake all the way, but decided since I burned a few calories, I should not add any back on. I had a beer at the end of the day, instead.
At times the trail takes you under the road. Fun ride, except I waited to too late in the day, the wind was blowing up the canyon. I thought it would be easier riding down the canyon. Oh well, just under 16 miles along the river.

This video will give you an idea of what it looked like riding along side all the "ribs" in the concrete that is the base of the road. I had a longer one but it makes me dizzy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome! I am impressed that you do 16 mile rides!