Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Highland Canal Ride 8/13

Good People--my buddy Steve and I are working on riding all of the Highland Canal trail. We have done about 60 miles or 30 miles of it one way.
Good Food--We ate at our favorite Mexican food place Los Dos Potrillos, corner of Holly and County Line. Order the a la carte burrito--shredded beef and bean--$6.50. And of course we earned a beer. Dos XX amber.
Good Exercise--we started at Gibson Rec Center north of Arapahoe on University. We rode south alittle more than 10 miles. Past E-470 and west some toward the new "old folks home". Steve and I didn't check it out this time. The 2 hour, 20 mile ride burned about 800 bad calories.
Great Retirement--Steve and I elected a President, stopped the Russian invasion of Georgia, fixed the oil price problem, started to worry how the Democratic National Convention will affect Denver and shared our prayers about a peaceful Olympics.

1 comment:

KJ said...

So who did you elect?