Thursday, February 26, 2009

I' m finally REAL!

Well almost--I am almost a real cyclist, now! I'm finally clipped in. After gentle pushing from my more avid biking friends, my cycle spinning class instructor and my son. Kevin sacrificed the most--he let me try it on his new Scott (which had never hit the dirt), well I hit the dirt with it because I am not good at being clipped in.

Great guys at Adventure Cycle, Parker Road at Quincy--I went there to get my bike "fitted" to me. John and Kevin recommended mountain bike shoes and the pedal less clips. He had some great deals on both, I tried a bunch of each and the sale stuff was OK for me. I rode home and not crashes.

Great weather for riding--I have ridden 48 miles in 3 days--that is what I rode last year in a week and I have 4 days left--assuming the weather will hold out.

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