Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Night

Good People--our church small group.
Good Food--BBQ from Parker's Hickory House and all the trimmings from all the great cooks. It seems as though wines have a run at being the popular one--we had our 3rd Rioja, Spain wine. It is our new "You gotta try.........." We took a growler of Dry Dock brewery's new Vienna Lager--it was a hit! I think the women liked it as much as the men.
Good Exercise--we played Wie tennis and baseball--we quit before someone got hurt. Some pool, the table owner was the winner--for not having played lately--I held my own. The women started playing Tripoly and then the guys started their own--great fun until 1:30am. Yes, you wimps we stayed up until 1:30. The Pearces son came home after midnight and was shocked to see the old folks still up. Some lost money and a few won--as we learned this morning at Church--it is God's money. And we experienced "He giveth and He taketh away".
Great Retirement--we have some time to recoup--we were invited by some friends at another church that is showing "Fireproof"--We have heard great reports on it. Pizza, a movie and time to fellowship with friends--Oh Boy!

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